WOW....... How they all changed
So today was the last day of school and for the teachers who are leaving Kochinda Junior High School. Every 5 years, the teacher's must change schools; the Japanese do this in order for them not to get too comfortable, whereas if you would stay for 20 years at the same school one becomes lazy.
Anyways, after the closing ceremoney the teachers walked out single file walking underneath flower arrangements the students' made. Some were crying.. I was hugging my favorites' goodbye. The English teacher's who are leaving gave me gifts, I feel bad because I didn't get them anything. Well, I am off early today and I can run to the mall and pick up somethings for them for tonight's farewell buffet/drinking party tonight.(last time my Kocho Sensai was on all 4's he couldn't hang)
So, as the teachers were walking out, the 3rd grade student's that just graduated came to see them off. Naturally, some have become attached to their teachers' as they spend more time at school then at home. It is the duty of the teacher, here in Japan to look after the student's. They partol the streets after school and on weekends making sure the kids aren't doing anything they are supposed to do. If a student gets hurt, it is the teacher who accompanies them to the hospital. If the student gets caught doing something bad, it is the teacher who gets a talkin to, not the parent. It is the teacher who takes them to sports events, cometitions, high school interviews, not the partent's. The teacher's here are their counselor's, their coach, their teacher's and to most of them their friend. So one can see why most of these kids have an emotional attachement to the teacher's here. As for the parent's? They don't do SHIT!
Ok, back to my point. Anyways, the student's that just graduated came to say their final goodbyes BUT boy have they changed! Lot's of the boys shaved their eyebrows, or re-shaped them, some shaved off their hair, and some dyed their hair. The girl's have pierced ears, dyed hair and re-shaped eyebrows. Some of the boys "looks gay," as Harumi-Sensai said. Hehe. sorry, I couldn't stop laughing! I quite agreed. When you are in Junior High, you are not allowed to do any of the it taked away from the unity: they are all one. NO one stands out. But today...... OMG how they've all changed!
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