Billy On Okinawa.... Adding More Stories To Tell.........

"Once we meet we are brothers and sisters" this is the Okinawan belief. This blog is for the wholesome stories, one can tell their children. lol And by the way, just in case your wondering...I was asked for a nick name.. I said "Viry," they understood "Billy." So.. call me Billy as in "Billy Goat."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mi Familia

Aqui estoy en la escuela pensando en los ninos. Come extrano mi familia y mi "hijo" abandonado: Guido. Pensando si me voy a quedar por un tercer ano. no se.

Here are the Gallegos children. How I miss these monkeys! Emsters, adew,becks, me, benz, nanu and punkie.

This is my Mom and Dad.... Gosh I miss them... don't they make a great couple?
This is my Cuban soon to be sister-in-law, Nysa. She will wed my dork of a brother next year in Cancun, Mexico!

Here are the original Gallegos: my dad, me, my mom, Cristy, my lovely sis, and last but not least the biggest dork of all: my big brother Carlos. Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Do you like my bulletin board? The which looks cute, huh? She is supposed to be cooking the heads heads of Kocho and Kyoto Sensai, along with some of the popular students.

This is what happens when you fall asleep in my class: I will put a spider on you!!!

These last two pictures are of the students feeling my "black box body parts." I made up a story where this girl finds a black box out in the street; and when she finds this box she puts her hand in and finds all these chopped body parts! The kids really loved it! Thanks to Julie who gave me the idea!!!

I had real liver
peeled grapes as eyeballs
Oduon as intestine
peanut halves as teeth
tofu as brain
cut long peppers as fingers
cut cucumber as a spine

It was a blast!!!!
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