Billy On Okinawa.... Adding More Stories To Tell.........

"Once we meet we are brothers and sisters" this is the Okinawan belief. This blog is for the wholesome stories, one can tell their children. lol And by the way, just in case your wondering...I was asked for a nick name.. I said "Viry," they understood "Billy." So.. call me Billy as in "Billy Goat."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

-----------------------Dumb Founded-----------------------

I know what you are thinking: What the heck are they doing? Well, let me'splain...(i tought linking in 'English' to my adult students last night!) So, for New Year's the teacher's had a keg party, but without the keg...too bad. During the meal that contained tofu, ...I forgot what else; we had some entertainment. Some teacher's were blindfolded and had to put together 'the face.' The funny part was that 'the face' belonged to one of the teahers, so we had to guess 'who' that person was, after 'the face' was completed. The funny part... I knew who they were... BUT ... i have no idea what their names are! I hardly talk to them... considering they don't speak the lang and I don't speak their's. Nonetheless, it was a good time!

On this picture below, that is Yuta-Sensai. This was a game: One had to copy the Kanji onto the paper using calligraphy, which I believe is the old style of writing, which again is very difficult. One master's calligraphy only after lots of years of practice and study. Why? There are over 500 kanji's... each with a particular pattern. hmmmm. It was fun! Ja-ne!

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