Billy On Okinawa.... Adding More Stories To Tell.........

"Once we meet we are brothers and sisters" this is the Okinawan belief. This blog is for the wholesome stories, one can tell their children. lol And by the way, just in case your wondering...I was asked for a nick name.. I said "Viry," they understood "Billy." So.. call me Billy as in "Billy Goat."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Halloween Monster Bash

On Saturday night, we gathered again at Paul and Mikes Bar in Naha for the 3rd annual Monster Bash. Ghosts, Goblins and Witches seemed to dominate. Well, not really. I was a half man, half woman. It was a hit!!!!

These are some of the girls: Myself, Rebecca, Jaimee and Jena.

This is my JTE, Hitoshi-Sensai, on the bottom. He finally decided to come out and and play with me! He really enjoyed the party and even stole someone's horse mask!

This picture is of Jaime Williams, the Paris Hilton assistant and myself... the man side. (that's why I was grabbing her boob)

This last picture is of Aarron in drag and myself bouncing off the table and about to hit the ground. My lovely friend was blastered that when he came up to hug me, we fell. It was indeed a blast!!!
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Festivals Galore Oh My!!!!!!

The Uchinanchu Festival

For the first time Okinawa seemed like a dream. I was walking around hundreds of Okinawans and actually understanding what most of them were saying. Yes!!!! It had to be a dream, right? Actually....NO!! Every 4 years Okinawa hosts a large festival that brings hundreds or thousands Okinawan descendants back to the small island. During the 2nd world war, many of Okinawans fled to South America and other perspective countries; creating their own half Okinawa half..... whatever country they are from. That's why I understood them, because many of them spoke Spanish. So these people come and celebrate their Okinawan side here on the island.

This picture is of the Naha Matsuri, better yet the Tug-of-War festival in Naha, where thousands of people join in on the greatest tug of war on earth!!

Right before we start to pull on the ropes, the ball opens up and spreads confetti all over the place!

Like my Kimono? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sports Day ..... Again

All the schools in the South participated in the annual Sports Day Competition....again. Kochinda, came in 5th place out of some 25 schools. These kids are amazing!!!! They are minature Olympic athletes!!! Here are some pics of the day...

BUT... you must be thinking...."poor billy" Actually, it was quite fun!!! All of the other ALT's where there, we had a nice lunch together, escaped for about 3 hours and went swimming at BB Beach, in Itoman. I do think that most of all the kids know me, since i kept going around in circles yelling "Goodmorning" to them. I behaved like crazy Gaijin.

Here is a 3rd grader, running to show off Kochinda's pride.

Here is Chinnen Junior High School, they all look as if they are doing a Hitler pose; but no, they are doing some type of routine.

It's like over 90 degrees and my fellow colleague is coverd with clothes because Japanese are afraid of the sun. I was dying just to look at her!

The stands. Posted by Picasa